Asking the right questions!
Published @ Searchlores in June 2007
Version 0.01 June 2007 | By Nemo
The purpose of this page is twofold:
1. Giving you the means of quickly spotting the most unwanted / unrelated keywords which spammers and SEOs have stuffed on their pages in order to make them cling to your keyword's search results (and often reveal spammers real intentions :). To use the following form in this mode, enter your keywords, one by one, because we want to harvest the maximum number of one keyword optimizers and therefore the most sticky unrelated keywords. To see real life examples where this strategy was used see my essays Search Engines Anti-Optimization and Yahoo! / AllTheWeb's image search syntax.
2. Giving you the means of quickly harvesting more keywords belonging to the context of your search query. To use the following form in this mode, enter two keywords belonging to your search query's context. To see why this is useful / important, consult my essay Yahoo! / AllTheWeb's image search syntax.
What this tool does is building a table of words appearing in Yahoo! web or image search results sorted by frequency using Yahoo!'s web and image search APIs. If you want to know how this page was built see its source code and consult my JSON for the masses essay.
(c) Nemo 2007 nemo vitam meam replace white spaces by underscores.