portal → basic searching → photos.htm | You'r deep inside searchlores |
Perl -inter alia- programmer, book-writer, capable talent-scout and good friend since many years Visit his [site] |
A hero, a man that deserves all my respect, and then some. A fighter, a wizard, a coder, a wise man. Visit his [stallman] and [GNU's Not Unix!] sites! |
A hero, a man that deserves all my respect, and then some. A fighter, a wizard, a coder, a wise man. Visit his [stallman] and [GNU's Not Unix!] sites! |
checking @ +fravia's if steam has been duly cracked and empire total war really runs in wine :-) February 2009 |
Visit his [stallman] and [GNU's Not Unix!] sites! |
The two PHP wizards, together! Who's who? (Laurent appeared at the Mort Subite a long time ago out from nowhere, he said: I'm Laurent. Noone thought that that guy would have changed our small scene so quickly. His incredible modesty is outperformed by his deep programming and reversing knowledge and by his capacity of turning bubble-projects and words into working scripts. DQ can switch from German to English to Spanish and back as quickly as a rocket. An inredibly competent programmer, security buff and reverser and a very good friend of mine, his gentle nature always shining from inside) |
Ritz, the absolute javascripter (Ritz can make any javascript cow in terror under his variables or dance tarantellas and perform those ugly and mysterious things that no educated javascript should ever perform) |
(and crazy) cracker (both: in the "bad" sense of the words :-) |
Some seekers seek crackness, some crackers crack seekness |
& trees on a far away longitude, a revered friend of mine Study his [contributions] |
...the ideal combination, both in Oz and in Europe. Every single line he wrote is worth reading. Find his scripts! |