
Back to fravia's Reality Cracking section
"Let's crack the slave-masters!" by +ORC - 13 March 1997
(With Michel's addition - 15 January 1998)
(With The Dark One's addition - 12 December 1998)
(With Some recent observations by Observer - May 2005)
(With Screwing slaves through funny shapes (by fravia+) - May 2005)
Well, the subject of this page was, as far as I know,
never treated on the Web until +ORC famous essay, back in 1997.
I too believe, like +ORC, that publicity has taken an
insopportable place in our lifes, and that we are MADE and DRILLED
to consume, and nothing more.
This page carries a very interesting example,
written by +ORC himself in 1997:
supermarket enslavement secrets
__Supermarket enslavement techniques, by +ORC, first pulished in
March 1997__
Ok, Fravia convinced me to publish separate without
interpolating all this in my tut, coz it would have been too heavy,
even if in my opinion it is part of cracking and he may be
wrong, coz nobody will read my crap if I don't mix it with
software cracking info, coz people do not want to learn to be
free, and to free them we have sadly to "circumvent" them with more or
less the same techniques that our enemies use to enslave them :=)
Let's crack the very
temples of the enemies of the humanity and poetry,
the prisons where we are forced to buy and consume...
let's show all idiots the WHIPS that are used to enslave them...
as always light comes through knowledge
Remeber that NOTHING is casual in this awful society where people are
CULTIVATED to consume and nothing else than that. Around you almost
everything has a "secret" meaning, that you are not supposed
to see, understand or crack (see the codebar example in my C1 lesson,
which is my best contribution so far to this cause :=)
Knowledge is real power... it's not just a phrase! And Internet gives
us (at least until now) the possibility to spread knowledge. They spread
shit ads, useless information and publicity, we spread "real" knowledge... we'll win
Let's begin with
some simple basic counter-intelligence work... You'll never watch again your
mall or supermarkt with the same eyes after having read this
The entrance is on the right, yet you walk leftwards, duh
In all modern supermarket the slave MUST follow a counterclockwise
direction: 95% of the population of the world has a slight imperfected
equilibrium, they tend to the left... if you leave somebody alone lost
in the desert (don't do it :=) he'll begin tu turn round counterclockwise.
That's the reason most modern supermarket have a "counterclockwise"
layout... which btw has other consequences and hidden commercial meanings, as you will
see in the following
Why do they start with fresh fruit?
Reason Number 1:
People coming inside a supermarket tend to conserve the velocity and the
inertia of the streets... they would "jump" the first 10 meters of
merchandises if you did not stop them with the explosion of colours and
smells that only fresh fruit can offer. Notice, moreover, that merchandises in
the first ten meters are almost wortless just in case: potatoes, onions... the
expensive fruits-sorts are more distant, so that people will be able to pick them once
having 'calmed down'.
Reason number 2:
The supermarket are subjected to the strong concurrence of the "discount"
malls ("poor people" supermarkts, the ones with ugly boxes and cheaper
prices), which (mostly) do not have fresh fruit, but only conserves...
first thing when he comes in: the slave must be assured, palping a red
nice apple, that he is in an "exquisite" special frish shop (little does and
should the slave know about the products used to 'polish' and shine that
apple, btw).
Note that the disposition of the fruit and vegetables is NOT casual
(far from it). The whole point in supermarket enslavement is that the
very few thing that are really useful and 'must' be bought (say toilet paper,
sugar, salt or wodka) are overwhelmed
and interpolated with completely useless products and/or with much more
expensive varieties and qualities of the same kind, because of the huge profits on those
articles and of the smaller profits on basic products.
Light dances in your eyes, sounds enter your hears
Orange and apples with a lot of mirrors, Bananes and pears with a
green surrounding, salads and potatos with clear light... red for meat
(coz white light would make it look greysh) and so on... have a look at the illumination
tricks in your mall next time you are compelled to go in.
Note also that the quiet music
is necessary: the supermarkt would seem "dead" without it, but at the
same time music must
not be so heavy that it may disturb any consumeristic concentration...
and it changes too... they know exactly at which time
of the day "seniores" and at which time "youngsters" slaves are ususally
consuming inside the malltrap, therefore
you'll have music which is "calibrated" on the time of the day.
Expensive is easy, cheap is difficult
Producte are so positionated that the expensive ones are ALWAYS positioned
"towards" the march direction of the slave: at the best height to be
picked up. The cheaper varities of the same articles are always "behind" the
march direction of the slave, and/or a little too low or a little to high.
Now stop and have a look at the varieties of a given product, say whisky, or
honey (not wodka, it's not necessary, you should always and only drink
Moskowskaja :=)
Humans (euroamericans) stroll with the eyes from left to right (like you are
doing now, reading my lines), therefore notice how the CHEAPEST varities
of a given product are on the left, the more expensive on
the right, in the hope
that slave's hands will be quicker as slave's brain (as it's often the case
Funny, the fridges open all in a weird sense
Yeah, the doors are made in order to enforce the slave to see immediately
other products, inside ANOTHER fridge as soon as he closes one where he has
already 'consumed'. Would the doors close normally, his nose would be
back against products he has already bought: no good. Note the disposition of the
products inside the ice-boxes on the floor, too... it's far from casual as
you can see... notice how far away are those products and how easy to pick up
are these? Goddy! I believe we should drive school classes through the malls
explaining all these tricks to the little future slaves!
May I NOT help you?
You'll NEVER hear a supermarket employee asking you "may I help you" in
normal cases (unless you really and badly need it and you chase him), because
that would limit the
possibility of you buying a lotta other useless products instead of what
you need, it would break the
"magic", and in that dreaded case the slave could
even come to the nasty idea to lower the blick on the trolley, instead of
filling it -overwhelmed by soo muuuch choice- with everything he sees.
Besides the employees are really
busy "filling" the spaces... it's very important that the products are
positionated at a predetermined in-between distance and density...
too many people on to narrow
space and some slaves would "put back" the product they have in their hands,
instead of deposing it in the trolley... an empty gap in an
alley would break the magic
What are stoppers?
Stoppers are the "dynamic" part of a supermarket... most of the slaves come
here twice in a week (at least) and do not want to see always the same things
in the same places (they could come to the -right- conclusion that they
are being 'drilled to buy') even if they at the same time want to be
reassured... "I know where's the wine". Everything must stay where it was,
but a part must move... hence the stoppers, little mountains of "offers",
toilet paper to-day, shampoos to-morrow.
Capturing the audience
Supermarkets have also a 'local' hinterland as well. People that live in the vicinities
and/or that
have to 'pass' near it on the way back home from the office
will tend after a while to use the same one more and
more, for 'simplicity' reasons.
These people have been 'caught' by the supermarket: they are
its 'captives'. Now, once your captives' base is great enough there is no reason no
more to give them real choices, is it? Wouldn't be better - and more rentable - if
all this people would buy grossomodo the same few products types? And would not it be
even better if those same products would be not only sold but also produced by you?
And that is exactly what regularly happens with all big chains:
the 'own brand' products are being pushed more and more, through mere phisical
presence and/or through advertisement or three for two schemes, while at the same time the choice of alternatives
decreases more and more. It begins with potatoes, eggs and 'white products' of all kinds,
it ends with "everything" offered as 'own brand'.
Thus the supermarkets, born inter alia with the implicit promise of a broader choice for consumers,
try instead to reduce
it more and more every time there is a possibility to do so.
Cry baby cry
There are queues at the cashier. Note that there are almost ALWAYS queues: the
turns are so calculated as to spare personal whenever possible, that
means that there is always a 'queue lenght' that is considered 'acceptable' (the slave
will not burst off leaving the charriot and jelling "never again!") and
that they try to avoid, for obvious profit reasons, to have cashiers waiting
for clients instead that the other way round. Bresides: there is money to
be made through queues! In fact that's the right moment to bite the
slave's kids, which are terribly annojed and exige the products that have
purposely put on the two sides of the cashier queue. Watch them, look at
their prices... very very interesting this is
really the "lower instinct" part: All these articles are chosen and
calculated to give maximum profit, all products you would NEVER in your life
come to buy but here, coz this is the only real (compelled)
"canyon" that the slave must cross... "Dad, may I have this
and that?". "Why shouldn't I buy those nice mints?"
Notice how these products are MUCH more expensive than the
"three for one" confections of the same product that are sold inside the
shop somewhere... but where? You will not know, coz that's exactly the
sort of products you normally don't buy! How many time do I have to
prove it to you
your kid to use the waiting time to completely upset the order of
these products, or do it yourself. These shelfs can also be very useful
to dump all useless products that you did buy without noticing ever after
having read this... best of all is to dump there a couple of frozen
icecreams boxes upside down, they will slowly leak everything on so
artfully positioned peppermints :=)
D'you want our "superadvantage" nice plastic card?
No! No! No! It's only a cheap, dirty trick to gather all possible data
on your
comportament whithout ever having to raise a finger. They'll know how much
and when and where you drink/shit/eat/
love/cry/wash/sleep/etc and stuff their databases for free (notice how the
"discounts" are lilliputian in comparison with what they steal you through
the abovementioned tricks... did you know that 35% of the fridge products
you buy will go directly from fridge to dustbin? That's the real average,
So let's battle against them! Codebar! Understand! Explain others! Free the
stupid slaves... watch the world around you free from petty convention and
understand in what for an awful mess you are condemned to live!
+ORC, the old red cracker... (I'm not finished yet, there's more to come!)
An addition, by Michel (slightly edited by fravia+):
- Why do they start with fresh fruit? (addendum)
Fresh fruits are fragile. If you put them in the bottom of your
caddy and then lay heavy conserves on it, it will be a mess...
So you have to begin with the conserves (near the exit), then
have to go back to the fruits, then return once more towards the exit.
Result : you cross shelves three times instead of one !
- The entrance is left
The "counterclockwise" turning is due to the fact that the right leg
is usually stronger... the 90% of the population is right-handed (or
"right-legged" in this case ?). So it is normal to turn slightly to
the left.
Funny, but some shops seem to experiment the opposite: a big european
furniture shop (IKEA) has choosen for some of its shops (in France for
instance, yet not elsewhere) a "clockwise direction" layout.
The idea is probably that in this way you will browse through these
shops more slowly, instead of choosing the "optimum" -quicker- trajectory.
- "Hypermarket"
I don't know if this concept exists in english. In french (my native
language, as you probably have already guessed), it means a big supermarket
which sells not only food: also clothing, tools, and so on.
In these "hypermarkets", things are in part different from the supermarkets:
they have plenty of room, so they can mix the food and the non-food (one
shelf of food, and one shelf of non-food). So when you have taken -say-
your usual vodka and you want to get your peanuts, you *will* pass through
the shelf where they sell those magnificents-and-yet-not-so- expensive beer
Moreover at the beginning of the shop there is always a "starter", with all
the current "discounts", and usually also clothes, wine and other completely
useless gadgets...
- Men and women (non P.C. section ;-)
Usually, women are going to the supermarket. That's why in the
"hypermarkets" (see above), the clothing is always between the entry
and the food.
But in the last 15 years, with women working more and more, men have
begun to go shopping, instead of their wives. Result: in the commercials,
on your TV you are now brainwashed about "men taking care of themselves",
and instead of the good old "AQUA VELVA" and "Eau de Cologne 4711", which
were more or less the only things you would have bought (if ever) in the
pre-enslavement old good times you now have an icredible plethora of
'parfums pour homme' (note the form of parfums' bottles, btw, which
as usual has a pavlovian meaning); and not only parfums: have a look: shampoo
"formule homme", Gilette Sensor-Excel-Plus-Double-..., and so on!
They realized they have a lot of new potential gullible slaves, and they
found an easy way to get'em... it's easy to foresee: parfums for kids (already
started with totthpaste) and for dogs and cats...
- Generalization: slave's surroundings
These concepts are true for the supermarkets. These last 10 years
in Europa, it has generalized (an idea coming from US, as it is older
there) to what we call "commercial center": a supermarket is never
alone, you always have other shops around: jewelry, hi-fi shop,
CD/Video shop, deluxe clothing, fashion clothing, low-price clothing,
even cinemas (in english "theaters" ?), *and* the obligatory Quick or
Ok, that's all. Thanks for reading ;-) Complete informations on the
subject must exist somewhere, at least in marketing courses, or
perhaps in psychology, I don't know. Anyway, it's always good
stuff to know.
An addition, by The Dark One (slightly edited by fravia+):
As for small additions i'd like to make to two essays...
1. There is +ORC's essay about supermarkets and how they enslave
you, which mentions the counterclockwise effect. I for myself have
a small side job in a pathetic attempt to get more
money to cover my ever growing expenses, and can add to this.
One time in this sports store, I was told to adjust all the lamps on
the floor i was working on. Naturally, when i was told to give them a
little tilt to the left while still illuminating the products (make
everything look nice and shiny and all that), I had to ask why that
would have any effect. The story behind it was the same
counterclockwise effect, but added to that the fact that when the
lamps are tilted that way, it will invite the customer to keep a
certain direction. walking in normally and taking the
counterclockwise route, the customer will see light shining on the
clothing, walking clockwise, he will have light shining somewhat in
his eyes... at least in his view of vision. Therefore, what will
happen is that 'the herd' will take the signals in his
visual range and most likely amble through the store
counterclockwise, and end up in front of the cash register, or at
least not disturb other customers as they browse by moving in an
opposing direction. To mention another aspect of 'herd behaviour',
people like to 'follow the leader', and when they see people in front
of them moving through the whole store, instinctively they will
follow, thinking 'there must be a reason people look through it'.
Another thing perhaps is the way you are supposed to approach
customers. Unlike what's reported by +ORC in his supermarket essay,
in a store like mine you are naturally deeply instructed to 'press'
the customer on whether you can help him or her.
But you don't ask 'can I help you'.
Why not? This immediately implies that you are granting favours, that
you are in a 'master' position vis-a-vis the customer. You are supposed
to ask the customer 'can I be of service?', or similar questions along
the same 'Aladdin's lamp' line, obviously giving the customer a false
sense of having the upper hand in the conversation, as well as the
customer/seller relationship.
Then the whole verbal selling technique starts, but I guess that is
beyond the interest of this topic. There are a lot more things to say
about standing in the kind of store I am in, but I am not sure whether
this is relevant to the discussion at hand, let alone whether it is of
major interest.
I'll quickly mention a few short things I know from other stores, such
as the fact that the music you hear in stores is naturally always
programmed. In one of the stores where a colleague of mine once worked
they even had a rythm added to it, in the sense of numbers being
played. There would be four 15 minute parts of music, especially
set to be sort of a subliminal inducer for customers entering at the
right time. The first part would be sort of a welcoming theme,
followed by restful lingering, after which you would get a bit
jazzed up by faster music until the last 15 minutes 'invited' you
more or less franticly to leave the store again. Most stores work
with customer counts in order to program store success, where
the more customers that have visited without buying something,
the lower the per customer buying amount will be. Another
interesting point which clarifies obviously why stores usually
try to herd you out after a certain time; every customer around you
that doesn't buy anything affects other customers (if they don't buy
anything, then why should I? this is obviously crap, and so on).
Lastly, I've heard also from another colleague (it's amazing
what you can learn if you are willing to infiltrate and search, that's
what real social engineering for real reversers should be about, btw)
that in the place she worked in before this one, they worked on
'sniffing posts'!
What they had done was place on several locations a couple of hidden
'deodorisers' (for lack of a better word), which would dispense fragrances
that would complement the feeling you should have with certain products.
From what I've gathered, back then it wasn't so successful, but they
are most probably still working on it; if you smell funny stuff in
a huge store, you know where it comes from. So, if you do, don't just sit there and say 'Ah ja': Investigate, find
the truth, report it.
Thinking about that, I do remember seeing all kinds of spray cans lately
in that line of product enhancement. There are cans that I have held in
my hand that have the 'fresh bakery smell', which can make you think you're
in a bakery from heaven, and everyone knows by now the 'new car' spraycan
that is supposed to add that new smell to your car, the smell that you
only get when you first buy it. Needless to say, fooling people
means fooling the mind, and fooling the mind is done for a large
part by fooling the senses. Basically it is so that consumers are treated
like an heard of stupid cows, that must be lured into buying things they
don't need in the least for the sake of filling some wallets.
2. An observation on the cigarette ads. In our country (The
Netherlands), if I remember correctly, the European Union's directives
sort of restrict cigarette companies to blatantly advertise their product.
Since I do not either buy cigarettes or search for these ads, I do
not know for sure how those restrictions lie, or how much they are
enforced. What I do see right now in advertisements shown in
cinema's and on billboards is the rather funny shift of 'advertising'.
Suddenly, the art of sponsering is discovered, and all these 'events'
pop up with sigarette brands attached to them. This ranges from
the 'marlboro flashbacks' (bands covering a favorite group) to
'barclay's fashion awards', and not to forget the 'drum rythm festival'
(drum being the stuff that you roll before you smoke). Now that
they are not allowed to advertise openly neither with 'cowboy scenes'
(see Martine Joly's splendid essay: Rhetoric
of advertisement, a "Marlboro Classic" Advertisement analyzed) nor
stuff like that, they get name recognition by sponsoring these
events, and naturally make connections with the show involved. Of
course, the same is being done with beers to some extent, but
cigarettes right now are the leading players in this game.
With kindest regards,
The Dark One
And yes, by all means: let's hope that this dutch cute reverser will
indeed "spend some quality
time behind his computer once he'll be free from his sleep
deprivation and current stress levels", to cite him :-)
Some recent observations (May 2005) |
Tracking the Patterns of Supermarket Shoppers
(Tagging the slaves)
RFID tags are being placed on the bottom of grocery carts in various supermarkets
in the States. These tags emit a signal every five
seconds that is received by receptors installed at various locations throughout the store.
Once collected, the signals are used to chart the position of the grocery cart and record its
route through the entire store.
The data -- charted for the first time by radio frequency identification (RFID)
tags located on consumers' shopping carts -- will change the way retailers
in general think about customers and their shopping patterns.
In a new paper called "An Exploratory Look at Supermarket Shopping Paths" a marketing professor, working for
the enslavers,
and a couple of dangerous "eunucs" of the slavemasters have analyzed this RFID-captured grocery store data,
focusing exclusively on travel
patterns without regard to purchase behavior or merchandising tactics.
Yet the point of the work is, of course, to provide basis in order
to refine such merchandising tactics of the slavemasters
and modify accordingly the purchase behaviour of the slaves, having
them throwing more money inside the gutter of useless "impulse purchases".
The results, the authors conclude, challenge many long-standing perceptions of shopper travel behavior within a supermarket,
including ideas related to aisle traffic, special promotional displays, and perimeter shopping patterns.
Using a new "multivariate clustering algorithm," the authors identified 14 distinct grocery store
travel paths during short, medium and long shopping trips. Based on this information they conclude that:
- Grocery shoppers don't weave up and down all aisles -- a pattern commonly thought to
dominate store travel. Instead, most shoppers "tend only to travel select aisles,
and rarely in the systematic up and down patterns most tend to consider the dominant travel pattern."
Once they enter an aisle, shoppers rarely make it to the other end.
Instead, they "travel by short excursions into and out of the aisle rather than traversing its entire length."
- Shoppers prefer a counter-clockwise shopping experience. They tend to
shop more quickly as they approach the checkout counters. Shoppers' behavior
is driven more by their location in the store than the merchandise in front of them.
- The perimeter of the store -- often called the "racetrack" --
is actually the shopper's home base, not just the space covered between aisles.
"Whereas previous folklore perpetuated the myth that the perimeter of the store
was visited incidental to successive aisle traverses, we now know that it
often serves as the main thoroughfare, effectively a home base from which shoppers
take quick trips into the aisles," the paper states.
These findings, the researchers predict, will
have important implications for store layouts, product placement,
end-cap displays, and relationships between aisles and perimeter spaces -- not to mention a
better understanding of how consumers shop and how retailers and suppliers can respond
to these patterns. "There is a tremendous amount of research available on why
people buy what they buy, but until now there was really no research on
tracking the actual buying decision," said one of the authors.
This new tracking data is a significant addition to shopping data
stolen from consumers through the introduction of scanner technology, which specifically
details every item purchased, its price, the name and address of the buyer (through 'fidelity cards' or
credit cards) and whether a coupon was used. But what the scanner technology doesn't collect is in-store behavior.
Where did you go to buy that product? What path did you take? Where did you spend time? In what
order did you look at product categories?
These are crucial issues
in terms of layout, product placement and store profits based on in-store movement and purchase decisions.
The point is, remember, to have people spend money in useless items they did not want to buy at all, as the authors
of the study openly admit:
"If you put popular items like milk in the back of the store,
do people make more impulse purchases along the way? Does that actually happen?
Just experiment with different products at the back of the store and check how the slaves' traffic flowed, or changed,
because of that."
Screwing slaves through funny shapes by fravia+ (May 2005) |
Screwing slaves through funny shapes
(Package Shape and Volume Contents)
Packages come in all shapes and sizes, which of course happens
on purpose, with the sole purpose to complicate the ability of consumers to
make accurate judgments about the amount of a product. Such wondrous palette of shapes is intended
to DECEIVE you whenever you buy a product.
Nothing is casual in our slavemasters/slaves society, as
good ole +ORC pointed out many years ago, and as underlines - again and again - the gorgeous "variety" of
volumes and shapes of many a product you'r gonna encounter in your supermarket ordeals. And now we'r gonna see WHY.
For many packages the logic basis for the exterior size
variation (note that the "real" volumetric amount inside the package is completely irrelevant for this discussion)
is far from obvious (e.g., consider the
myriad sizes and shapes of shampoos).
Consumers *could* -maybe- overcome the challenge of visually assessing volumes contained
within a variety of shapes -at least in Europe- because shop labels must provide (in smallscript) total amount information.
Therefore if a consumer would wish to compare product volumes, an obvious solution were to simply
read the shop price labels on the shelf, and compare standard units (e.g., compare fluid deciliters).
However, research has documented that shoppers often do not expend the
seemingly minimal effort to read product label and price information. In fact
many consumers don't even care about the EXPIRATION DATE tags of diary products.
Drilled to recklessly
consume since their infancy, they are oblivious to
such considerations.
Slavemasters, of course, take advantage of all possible biases humans have when judging visually package volumes.
This small snippet is intended as a quick and dirty reversing guide in order to understand WHY a container
is made thattaway. A "volume deceiving" counterguide (a classical example of volume deceiving is the most common
"coca cola" bottle: looks big thanks
to all those "sensual" hourglass curves and thick glass, yet the actual content is quite small, as anyone can see when
pouring its real liquid content out)
The slavemasters' interest lies exactly in this
visual perception of package size. Visual input usually dominates other modalities in
perception. Consumers shop with their eyes,
and exert little effort to search for volume information on package labels.
The dependence on visual assessment of volume
has made important the kinds of containers people encounter
while consuming products.
Anyone can see the difference between a two liters bottle and a one liter bottle,
however, as a general rule, discriminating between
objects becomes more difficult as the magnitude of the difference decreases. The difficulty is illustrated in research examining twodimensional
figures with the same area. When consumers compare the size of two shapes
(e.g., a rectangle and a circle of the same area), they make systematic errors.
You can be sure that those studying (and producing) the "funny shapes" take advantage of that.
Consumers judge the area of a shape by
comparing across the most salient linear dimension, weighing the initial dimension more
heavily than the second dimension. Differential weight leads to bias favoring whichever
shape is largest on the initial dimension.
Obviously, considering additional dimensions increases the difficulty of judging
a shape’s volume compared to its area.
Further increasing the difficulty of consumers’
volume judgments is that many package shapes are purposedly irregular, with varying (deceiving) widths.
Once more, the classic Coke bottle’s hourglass shape complicates the assessment of even its
mean width.
Given that humans have developed a variety of shortcuts to conserve
mental effort in decision making, they are likely to simplify such volume judgments. And the trap snaps.
Slaves use the height of the container
or its elongation to simplify volume judgments. A container’s height predicts volume
judgments better than or about as well as models that included width or depth
measurements. When containers are tall or elongated, they are perceived as having more
of a product than those that are shorter or squat in shape (perfumes and in general bottles come to mind).
The effects of shapes on area perceptions have been widely investigated. For instance, it
has been shown that triangles are perceived to be larger than squares, squares larger than circles, and elongated objects larger than less
elongated objects. Elongation influences
people in natural field settings, for instance when they pour their own beverages.
The elongation of an empty glass positively
influences the perceived capacity of that glass. Likewise,
the elongation of a pre-poured drink inside glasses (versus the elongation of glasses itself)
positively influences the perceived volume of that pre-poured drink. In a multiple-serving
context, elongated, pre-poured drinks positively influence the actual
consumption volume while negatively influencing the perceived consumption volume.
The rationale for this is that the elongation creates high volume expectations, which are
not met by the consumption experience. Because participants are dissatisfied with the volume of
the drinks they receive, they respond by drinking additional glasses.
In fact, both children and adults pour and consume more juice when given a short, wide glass compared to
those given a tall, narrow glass, but they perceive the opposite to be true.
The tendency to overestimate the vertical
dimension is the basis of many deceiving tricks: humans have a propensity to mistakenly perceive a greater
volume in a tall, slender container. Slavemasters take advantage of this to push consumistic patterns.
Note that these differences in perceived volume hover around 25% and are therefore, while totally
unrelated with the real amount of the product being sold, still quite significant
in order to trick the slaves. Of course, knowing this, you could take advantage of such matters yourself: the next time a bartender mixes for you
a martini-wodka, tell him to use a short, wide
"tumbler" glass instead of a tall, slender "highball" glass: he will probably overpour :-)
As a rule of thumb, therefore, THE MORE REGULAR and less elongated is the shape of a given product,
A cylinder can of drinking
stuff (beer, juice)
is -usually- less 'deceiving' than an hourglass bottle. A regular rectangular box less deceiving than -say- a pyramidal one.
There are exceptions, of course. Those thin elegant cylinders, elongated on their height axis, probably contain far
less liquid than your eyes would believe.
We can immediatly pull a corollary law: the more 'funny' the shape, the more money makes the slavemaster :-)
In fact volumetric deceiving works hand in hand with 'strangeness' of the form.
A classical example of the importance of 'strangeness' (added to volumetric deceiving) is given by those funny (and incredibly exepensive)
blue mineral water bottles. Here the 'funny shape' and the 'funny color' add deceiving synergy against the poor slave.
In fact in a context of familiar
objects, novel stimuli usually capture attention rapidly and automatically. Unusual containers not only
attract attention more than their 'usual' counterparts, but will be perceived as having a greater volume.
As a rule of thumb, therefore, THE MORE UNUSUAL THE SHAPE (or color) of a given product, THE MORE DECEIVING IT PROBABLY IS.
In fact slaves judge the containers that capture more attention or "looks" bigger, to be larger, even
when the "usual" container is actually bigger.
The volume / novelty bias influences purchase decisions because
people believe that the container that attracts attention or "looks" bigger
is a better buy than a container that
is the same size but either attracts less attention or "looks" smaller.
Obvious hu? Yep, afterwards :-)
Some awful truths
The bigger the toothbrush head, the more toothpaste people use
Most people don’t realize that an assortment of a product encourages them to take more, yet
perceived variety can also influence consumption even when actual variety is unchanged
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