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(Courtesy of fravia's advanced searching
(¯`·.¸ Simple REBOL scanner ¸.·´¯)
by -Sp!ke
published at fravia's
searchlores in September 2000, updated in March 2001
Very slightly edited by fravia+
[scan.r version 1]
[scan.r version 2]
Yep, back to this "work" after my two months
holyday I managed to
little jewel by Sp!ke among the ruins of my exploded mailbox... exactly the kind of work we
so love: Sp!ke builds on Sonofsamiam and Sozni's works (and maybe Laurent's as well) and goes further & yonder... samo samo
as you will
be able to do now, dear readers!
Oh gawd not another scanner :(
Ok I know there are many of you out there who will argue that scanners are lame
tools, or at least in the domain of the nasty hacker fraternity checking sites for cgi
exploits. Well in essence I would agree, however they do hold possibilities for a good
searcher as well.
I suggest you first read Sozni's superb essay
on guessing where your target hides important stuff. Done it? Good. Now imagine
you are trawling your target site looking for a file, or page, or zip file etc..
So you enter the URL by hand and BINGO .... Error 404 :( Doh missed again..
A lot of time can be spent manually typing the URL and not getting anywhere fast.
Well wouldn't you love to automate this process with a simple bot like the one presented
Note that with a small modification you can also use it to
break open gate-keepers as well. Generate
your list of possible pages offline, then import them to the scan function and
let it rip the hell out of your target.
(Perhaps if you are still stuck with the advanced Javascript entrance at fravia's old
fortress this may help you??)
Most scanners (CGI ones especially) blindly fire away at the target running through
hundreds of exploit checks with no concern as to what type of server they are scanning.
Ask yourself, is there any point in scanning an apache server for an IIS exploit?
Nope not really.
Thats why the best scanners such as Whisker,
by scanmaster rain
forest puppy allow customised scans.
Now in no way is my scanner as clever as whisker. I repeat: it is a simple
tool. It does however allow you to create subdivided scans which you can add to to
your hearts content.
There are of course many good reasons for -ahem- not using scanners, which
I don't think I
need to spell out. At the very least I suggest if you do need to use one, then run it
through a nice secure proxy from some 'throw-away' account.
Finally, the code below doesn't have any fancy extras like encryption of the scanned
url etc (not sure if REBOL supports 'em anyway, I'll have to check for
later versions). If
you want all the bells and whistles either modify the code yourself or use whisker.
Anyway here's the code, fairly commented and simple to modify, do with it whatever
you like. Knowledge to you, raw but useful. Enjoy
scan.r (version 1: september 2000)
Title: "Simple scanner"
Author: "Sp!ke"
Email: spike(AT)linuxmail(POINT)org
File: %scan.r
Date: 06-Aug-2000
Purpose: "Scan for anything on a server"
secure allow
prin "^(page)"
ef: 0
set '++ func ['word] [set word (get word) + 1]
;# Vanity.... ;o) #
print {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
print {~ Simple file/directory scanner ~}
print {~ Written by -Sp!ke ~}
print {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
print #"^/"
prin "Site to scan: "
site: to-url join " http://" input
; Common (and some not so common) cgi directories
cgi: [cgi cgibin cgis cgi-bin cgi-dos cgi-shl cgi-win scripts]
; Wanna break into a smut site?
; This may give you a startng point but there
; are loads you could add. (Some smut site owners
; are reaaaaaly dumb :)
image: [galleries gallery gallery00 gallerys html htmls images
thumbs thumbnails members pages private]
; Log file areas. I've found all of these at one time or another,
; although some were probably idiosyncratic with the particular
; site.
log: [access access_log access_logs cool-logs counters error_log
error_logs errors history info log logs log_files referrer
referrer_log referrer_logs sitelog sitelogs site-log
site-logs stats statistics url_log url_logs ]
; Perhaps ur looking for where they've hidden some software??
filez: [download downloads files filez full product zip
zipp zips zipped]
; A number of odd and sometimes useful directories I've found
; occasionally. Depends on the type of site ur scanning, once
; again loads u could add...
misc: [access base db doors faqs ftp info more old temp text tmp]
; You can scan for files as well.....
; NB: Personally I wouldn't scan for any of these directly like
; this as it will probably flag like mad. There are better ways
; of doing it... passwd?? passwords?? Yup... seen a few lying
; around!!
root-files: [passwd passwd.txt password password.txt sam
sam.bin sam._ robots.txt]
; Scan function
scan: func[exp][
print [ {Server to scan: }site ]
if find/match ask "Start scan? " "y" [ print "Working"
foreach x exp [ ss: site/:x
if exists? ss [ ++ ef
write/append %scan.log reduce [newline ss]]]
print [{Number of hits: }ef]
prin "Hit <cr> to resume"
ef: 0 ]
; Lets be fancy and make it all menu driven...
menu: func [][
print "^(page)"
print newline
while [not integer? (menu-choice: load ask trim
1 > Scan for cgi type directories
2 > Scan for image directories
3 > Scan for log directories
4 > Scan for file directories
5 > Scan for misc directories
6 > Scan for root files
99 > Quit
-> })] [print "^/"]
if menu-choice == 99 [
print "Thanks for using Sp!kes simple scanner" wait 3 q]
if menu-choice > 6 [menu]
if menu-choice < 1 [menu]
choice: menu
if choice = 1 [scan cgi]
if choice = 2 [scan image]
if choice = 3 [scan log]
if choice = 4 [scan filez]
if choice = 5 [scan misc]
if choice = 6 [scan root-files]
; fin...
scan.r (version 1: March 2001)
An update to my rebol scanner. March 2001.
Now Includes encryption of scanned url single scans etc
(I didn't write as an essay as I don't think it needs re-introduction......)
Next project (part completed) is an offline processor of downloaded sites
I.E. stripping htm pages into component parts (amazing what you can
find 'hidden' inside page comments and javascripts... :^)
Keep up the good work
Regards Sp!ke..
<------------ cut cut cut ------------->
Title: "Mark II Scanner"
Author: "Sp!ke"
Email: delete_this.spike@linuxmail.org
File: %scanner.r
Date: 05-Jan-2001
Purpose: "Scan for anything ya' want :^)"
Comment: {
Updated version
Code's damned ugly but works OK
New additions: URL obfuscator.*
Single scans.
Change URL without exiting.
Time/Datestamp hits. (For re-scans, yet to be implemented)
All suggestions/additions very welcome
* This only encodes the 'exploit' part of the url as
encoding the whole url is IMO fairly pointless. *
secure allow ; set security level
prin "^(page)" ; clear screen
set '++ func ['word] [set word (get word) + 1] ; increment like c (tidies the code a bit)
ef: 0 ; hits counter
echk: 0 ; set unencrypted as default
;###### Vanity.... ;o) ######
print {######################################################}
print {# Multi Scanner Ver 2.22 #}
print {# by -Sp!ke #}
print {######################################################}
print #"^/"
wait 2
prin "Site to scan: "
site: to-url join " http://" input
; Set up all the scan areas (The MOST important bit)
; add watya' wan't.........
; Common (and some not so common) cgi directories
cgi: [cgi cgibin cgis cgi-bin cgi-shl cgi-dos cgi-win scripts]
; Scan for files
root-files: [.htpasswd .htaccess .passwd passwd.txt password password.txt sam sam.bin sam._ robots.txt]
; Log file areas.
log: [access access_log access_logs cool-logs counters error_log error_logs errors history info log logs log_files referrer referrer_log referrer_logs sitelog sitelogs site-log site-logs stats statistics url_log url_logs ]
; Smut image holders
image: [galleries gallery gallery00 gallerys html htmls images thumbs thumbnails members pages private]
; Odd misc areas
misc: [access base db doors faqs ftp info more old temp text tmp]
; Possible file areas
filez: [index.htm download downloads files filez full product zip zipp zips zipped]
; encoder function (allows you to 'obfuscate' your scans)
opt-in: charset " *-._"
encode: make function! [ str[string!]] [
rslt: make string! ( (length? str ) * 3 )
foreach chr str [
either ( find opt-in chr )
[append rslt to-string chr]
[append rslt
join "%" [back back tail(to-string(to-hex(to-integer chr)))]
; Scan function (multi)
scan: func[exp][
print [ {Server to scan: }site ]
if find/match ask "Start scan? " "y" [ print "Working"
foreach x exp[
if echk == 1 [ ; are we running encrypted? if so>
x: (encode (to-string x))] ; part encode the URL's (ugly)
ss: join site x
probe ss ; display o/p (for testing purposes)
if exists? ss [ ++ ef
write/append %scan.log reduce [newline ss " "now/time " "now/date]]]
print [{Number of hits: }ef]
prin "Hit to resume" input
ef: 0 ]
; single-scan function , this should really go into multi scan func
; but I like it this way to keep it simple
; to read.
single-scan: func[][
target: ask "Enter target file/directory: "
if echk == 1 [
target: to-url (encode (to-string target))]
ss: join site target
either exists? ss
[print [ss {does exist}]]
[print [ss {does NOT exist}]]
if find/match ask "Another? " "y" [single-scan]
; Menu's
menu: func [][
prin "^(page)"
print newline
if echk == 1 [print "**RUNNING ENCRYPTED**"]
while [not integer? (menu-choice: load ask trim
1 > Enter single file/dir to check
2 > Scan for cgi type directories
3 > Scan for image directories
4 > Scan for log directories
5 > Scan for file directories
6 > Scan for misc directories
7 > Scan for root files
90 > Change url to scan
91 > Encrypted scan
92 > Plain scan
99 > Quit
-> })] [print "^/"]
if menu-choice == 90 [ prin "New site to scan: "
site: to-url join " http://" input]
if menu-choice == 91 [echk: 1] ;encrypt
if menu-choice == 92 [echk: 0] ;plain text
if menu-choice == 99 [print "Thanks for using Sp!kes multi scanner" wait 3 q]
if menu-choice > 7 [menu]
if menu-choice < 1 [menu]
choice: menu
if choice = 1 [single-scan]
if choice = 2 [scan cgi]
if choice = 3 [scan image]
if choice = 4 [scan log]
if choice = 5 [scan filez]
if choice = 6 [scan misc]
if choice = 7 [scan root-files]
; fin...
And since you were kind enough to read this far here's a little bonus.
A very simple mailto: encoder as used in my e-mail address above.
Thanks to sonofsamiam for the original idea.
Title: "mailto: Encoder"
File: %mail-encode.r
Date: "Aug-01-2000"
Author: "Sp!ke"
Purpose: {
To encode mailto: strings leaving them useable but
invisible to spam bots.
Modified from script by Tom Conlin tomc@cs.uoregon.edu
Comment: {Any char u want dont want to encrypt add to the
pass charset..
pass: charset
" *-_"
mail-encode: make function! [ str[string!]] [
rslt: make string! ( (length? str ) * 3 )
foreach chr str [
either ( find pass chr )
[append rslt to-string chr]
[append rslt
join "" [back back back tail(to-string(to-integer chr))";"]
Micro$oft loosing in court? Sic semper tyranis, Billy

(c) III Millennium: [fravia+],
all rights reserved