:004010E4 833D0CE0450000 cmp dword ptr [0045E00C], 0 ;check if flagged :004010EB 7466 je 00401153 ;0=not registered :004010ED 6A09 push 9 ;This copy of UltraEdit-32 is licensed to ... ... :00401153 6A08 push 8 ;This is an unregistered copy of UltraEdit ...And we would also have quickly found the Cinderella protection as well, using the same method:
:00401E60 83F82D cmp eax, 2D ;0x2D = 45 :-) :00401E63 7EA5 jle 00401E0A ;not yet 45, continue :00401E65 E8E4F5FFFF call 0040144E ;check if registered :00401E6A 833D0CE0450000 cmp dword ptr [0045E00C], 0 ;check if flagged :00401E71 757F jne 00401EF2 ;it's a registered user! :00401E73 6830200000 push 00002030 ;it's a luser, therefore :00401E78 682CE14600 push 0046E12C ;45 Days... expiredBTW, I checked the more recent 4.3 version of Ultraedit: the protection scheme is the same crap (lazy programmers):
cmp 47500C,0 ;holy flag jne 004023E3 ;nagscreen and cmp eax, 2D ;0x2D = 45 :-)The aim of this script
This are BRW commands: ** New Project: Ultraedit exe ** Dialog 110: (you see it's 110, because it APPEARS in the right window when you click 110, but)And this is the immediate answer from my beloved BRW:
110 DIALOG 100, 70, 210, 163 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" { CONTROL "This is an unregistered copy of UltraEdit-32. Use of this program should be on a temporary basis (45 Days max) for evaluation purposes only. If this program is to be used for purposes other than evaluation please register this program.", -1, "STATIC", sSS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 34, 18, 151, 55 CONTROL "Details for registration can be found in the READ.ME file and in the 'About' dialog box on the help menu.", 128, "STATIC", SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 35, 76, 151, 35 CONTROL 2, -1, "STATIC", SS_ICON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 5, 12, 18, 20 CONTROL "You have", -1, "STATIC", SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 36, 115, 40, 12 CONTROL "", 130, "EDIT", ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED | WS_BORDER, 78, 114, 18, 12 CONTROL "days left for evaluation.", -1, "STATIC", SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 103, 115, 89, 12 CONTROL "Enter Authorization code", 1, "BUTTON", BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 49, 137, 113, 14 }You wont believe it