
Reality cracking
courtesy of fravia's www.searchlores.org
Written in April 1997, last updated: november 2001
(gathered here and there on the wide deep web by fravia+)
go to part two: Body language-2
go to part three: hypnotic tricks
Courtesy of fravia's searchlores.org
Note the "patronising" tone, the false assumptions and the general "falsity" of the whole
textes in this section, remember that these textes are "tutorials" for the annoying "salespersons",
those awful bunch of commercial swines that try to sell you things you will probably NOT need.
These are the techniques they use, and some of the informations given here are worth to know!
Read them and never
fall again on these faul tricks (exspecially when used on TV ads).
Some of these techniques can also be "reversed", which suits well my "reverse engineering" page:
if for instance
8. Say, "How do you feel about that," not "What do you think about that."
"Think" causes clients to think of objections.
"Feel" causes them to think of reasons to buy.
you hear something like the stupid phrase above, you may want immediatly to use reverse body language and
reverse hypnotic techniques in order to defeat any attempt to influence you. Learn to be free! (and defeat
the slave masters :-)
Harnessing The Power Of Body Language: Part 1
You could find it on
http://salesdoctors.com/diagnosis/3body1.htm, unfortunately the link
leads now to a porn site, astonishing how all intersting snippets of truth soon or
later disappear, eh?
All of us are trained in the use of speech -- to communicate what
we mean in a way that other people will understand. And most of the
time, others understand what we mean. In a telephone conversation,
we communicate through speech alone. In a face-to-face meeting,
part of the communication is carried in a non-verbal form -- what is
often called body language.
Why is body language so important? There are two principal
You have probably heard many times that people remember
more of what they see than what they hear. Long after a
meeting, we are likely to have forgotten the exact words
someone used, but we may retain a vivid image of the same
person's facial expression.
Through life experience we have learned, perhaps
unconsciously, that people often lie with words. (We're talking
here about the little white lies and omissions that are part of
many conversations.) But facial expressions and other body
language tend to be more honest. When a person's words and
body language are consistent, we believe that person. When
their words and body language say different things, we tend to
believe the body language and doubt the words.
Picture this scenario: You say to a friend, "How was your review
with the boss?" Your friend says. "OK" Then her smile vanishes, and
her hand tightens around the notebook she is carrying. Did your
friend really do OK in that review? Probably not, but she does not
want to talk about her true feelings right now. When a person's facial
expression differs from their words, your experience tells you to go
with the visual cues not the words.
The Vocabulary Of Body Language
Body language, unlike spoken language, is inexact; so you have to be
careful about how you interpret it. A certain movement or facial
expression may be quite meaningful, or it may mean nothing at all. As
a starting point, the lists below provide you with some common body
language terms and their generally accepted meanings:
Positive body language
Positive body language is generally quite reliable as an indicator of a
person's feelings. It signals interest in the other person and in the
Relaxed posture
Comfortably seated, relaxed breathing, no visible stiffness or abrupt
movements. These indicate no major barriers to communication.
Arms relaxed
Uncrossed arms and hands open (palms up or otherwise visible to
the other person) are signs of openness.
Good eye contact
Looking in the other person's eyes, particularly when they are
speaking, indicates interest in that person. Proper eye contact
involves looking away occasionally to avoid staring.
Nodding agreement
When nods are used to punctuate key things the other person has
said, they signal agreement, interest and understanding. However,
continual unconscious bobbing of the head usually indicates that the
listener is tuning out.
Taking notes
Shows interest and involvement, particularly if notes are on what the
other person is saying.
Smiling/adding humor
This is a very positive sign. It signals a warm personal relationship.
Leaning closer
Reducing the distance between two people, particularly when the
other person is speaking. Indicates interest is up and barriers are
Gesturing warmly
Talking with hands, particularly with palms open, indicates
involvement in the conversation and openness to the other person.
For all of these positive gestures, moderation is the rule. When they
are exaggerated, they can become more negative than positive.
Negative Body Language
Negative body language is somewhat less reliable as an indicator of
the person's comfort with the current conversation than positive body
language. Actions that are generally considered negative may just be
a matter of comfort for this person, may indicate that the person is
tired or may result from other matters that are weighing on this
person's mind.
Body tense
Stiffness, wrinkled brow, jerky body motion, hands clasped in front
or palms down on the table. These can indicate concern with the
topic or dealing with the other person.
Arms folded in front
Creates a barrier; can express resistance to what is being said.
Hand on face
A hand over one's mouth is a closed gesture. Leaning on one's elbow
with the chin in the hand can communicate boredom.
Moving around a lot, playing with things and drumming fingers are
usually a sign of boredom, nervousness or impatience.
Arms behind head, leaning back
In a well-established relationship, this can be a relaxed gesture. In a
new relationship, it is often used to express a desire for control or
Boredom, confusion. The other person is talking too much or in too
much technical detail.
Trying to interrupt what the other person is saying; opening one's
mouth frequently as if to speak.
Eyes flicking about, blank stares, flipping through literature without
really reading it, looking at others in the office, looking at the person's
body or clothing.
Leaning away
Avoiding moving closer, even when something is handed to the
person, is strongly negative.
Negative facial expressions
These include shaking head, eyes narrowed, scowling, frowning.
Combinations Count More Than Individual Gestures
Body language is more meaningful when several expressions take
place at the same time. For example, the combination of leaning
forward, nodding and smiling is a strong indication of agreement and
openness. Most meaningful is a matched set of gestures that also
agrees with what the person is saying.
Transitions Count More Than Positions
As a rule of thumb, individual body positions or movements are
frequently meaningless. Some people's faces form a smile or a frown
more naturally than a neutral expression. Some people lean on their
hand all the time; others never do it. Some people can't sit in a chair
for more than a few minutes without crossing their arms; others sit
erect with their hands at their sides.
What is meaningful, however, is a transition from one body position
to another. If a person spends the entire meeting leaning forward,
that may be just comfort. But if the same person starts out leaning
back and then gradually moves forward as the meeting progresses,
that's non-verbal communication.
Using Body Language Effectively
There are two ways you can use body language to enhance your
face-to-face meetings:
Observe the customer's body language
Control your body language
Observing the customer's body language
From the moment you greet the customer, observe the customer's
body language. At the beginning of the meeting, it is normal for
customers to appear somewhat reserved or nervous. If this is a new
relationship, the customer may not be ready to trust you yet. As the
meeting progresses, the customer should normally warm up and
begin to display more open body language.
Pay particular attention to any changes in the customer's body
language, both positive and negative. Positive moves are buying
signals -- you are on the right track and should keep going in the
direction where you are headed. Negative moves are objections.
They mean that you and the customer are beginning to diverge. Stop
the track you are on, and get back in synch with the customer:
If the customer's body language is expressing discomfort or
disagreement with what you are saying, you need to uncover
the basis for the customer's discomfort and restore the positive
If the customer is dropping out of the conversation, it is time to
stop talking and ask an open-ended question to get the
customer involved again. The more the customer has drifted
from the conversation, the more you must go back to the
customer's goals and background -- something the customer
knows a lot about and cares about.
Controlling Your Own Body Language (Harnessing, Part 2)
Controlling Your Own Body Language
One person's body language unconsciously influences how the other
person in a meeting feels. So you can influence the way customers
feel subtly through body language.
Speak a familiar language
Try to use non-verbal vocabulary that is generally understood to
convey positive messages. If the customer is a good reader of body
language, you are ahead. If the customer is not, you have not lost
Maintain good posture, sitting erect but not stiff, hands visible
and open.
Avoid closed gestures such as crossing your arms across your
Maintain eye contact, particularly while the customer is
speaking. This says you care about what the customer is
saying. To avoid staring, look away occasionally to take notes
or to look at materials the customer has brought.
Focus your attention on the customer. Avoid fidgeting or
letting your eyes wander while the customer is speaking.
These actions will draw the customer's attention away from
the conversation and suggest you would rather be somewhere
Nod agreement. This is positive if you do it convincingly and in
appropriate places. If you do it automatically, it says you are
not listening.
Occasionally express agreement verbally to reinforce nods.
Reflect the customer's language
Make customers feel more comfortable at first by matching their
body language. For example:
If the customer's body language is very open, begin to match
If it is reserved or nervous, tone down your enthusiasm a bit to
make the customer more comfortable.
If the customer prefers to maintain some distance, avoid
moving too closely.
If the customer moves slowly and makes few gestures, avoid
extensive gesturing and quick movements.
Using Body Language To Influence The Way The
Customer Feels
We normally think of body language as a reflection of what the
person is feeling, and that's true. But it is also true that if you change
your body language, your feelings will begin to change as well. That's
why, when you feel yourself dragging in the middle of the afternoon,
a quick walk around the block can rejuvenate you. You also tend to
feel better when you put on fresh clothes or if you just smile.
This principle has two practical applications
You can make yourself look and feel better by using more positive
body language. The famous football coach Vince Lombardi used to
tell his players before an away game, "You've got to look good
getting off the bus, and then play a heck of a game." In other words,
if you look and act like a winner at the outset you are more likely to
become one.
Body language is contagious. If person X uses relatively neutral body
language, and person Y uses positive or negative body language,
person X will gradually begin to mirror that. Thus, if the customer
starts out neutral or somewhat negative and you are increasingly
positive, the customer's body language (and thus their mood) will
become more positive as well.
To influence the way the customer feels:
1.Start with body language that is generally considered to be
2.Carefully observe the customer's body language.
3.Alter your body language to more closely match the
4.During the meeting, if you think a more positive tone is
desirable, gradually change your body language to be more
positive in order to influence the way the customer feels.
Always make positive transitions in your body language while
the customer is speaking. This says you support the
customer's ideas and feelings. If you make changes when you
begin to speak, it may say that you are trying to take control.
Additional Body Language Techniques
Match your words and body language
The customer will trust you less if you attempt to use body language
that differs markedly from what you are saying. If you are honest in
both, and use both to express your sincere interest in helping the
customer, this will show.
Maintain the right distance
People have a comfort zone for how close they want other people to
come; only people they feel very comfortable with are allowed to
penetrate within a certain distance. Follow these guidelines to
maintain a comfortable distance:
Follow the customer's lead
From the moment you greet customers, watch where they
stand. This will tell you how close to approach. If they back
away a bit after the handshake, maintain a greater distance.
Don't tower over the customer
If you are much taller than the customer, be especially careful
to keep a comfortable distance. Once you are seated and the
customer communicates more openness, you can begin to
approach more closely.
Be careful about touching
A firm, brief handshake is always acceptable for greeting
someone you do not know well. Other touching is
uncomfortable for many people.
Move closer together at an appropriate time
This is valuable in strengthening the positive relationship. But
when you move closer to the customer, do it for a reason:
You can move closer to the customer to look at
a document together, such as a brochure.
If the customer begins to lean closer, expressing
positive energy towards you, it is OK for you to
lean closer as well.
Harnessing The Power Of Body Language: Part 1
You could find it on
http://salesdoctors.com/diagnosis/3hypno.htm, unfortunately the link
leads now to a porn site, astonishing how all intersting snippets of truth soon or
later disappear, eh?
Hypnotic techniques fall into three types: specific words used, actions
or body language, and techniques that put you in control.
1. Talk in word pictures
When you get clients to vividly picture an experience, they are in an
ideo-sensory trance. Use words that appeal to the senses of sight,
sound, feeling, etc.
Car dealer: "Smell the new car."
Realtor: "Imagine waking up and seeing the beautiful
view from your bedroom window."
2. Use power or action words
"Grab it," "Let's run with it," or "Just do it," to motivate clients to
3. Take control with verbal commands
You need to buy today.
You must have one of these to be competitive.
You have to invest in this in order to have a secure future.
You need to live in this house.
Buy now!
4. Use hot, emotional words
Money, gain, new, you, loss, free, love, profit.
5. Use absolutes
Words like always and never show self-confidence and inspire
"It is always better to join a well-established health club."
"You will never regret making this decision."
6. Voice inflection
Emphasize positive words and commands to make clients focus on
the positive benefits to them:
"You will love...."
"Buy now and save on the price."
7. Put spunk into your voice
Enthusiasm and energy sell.
8. Say, "How do you feel about that," not "What do you think
about that."
"Think" causes clients to think of objections. "Feel" causes them to
think of reasons to buy.
9. Start with higher price first
Then, when you show a lower-priced product or a bulk-buy, the
price looks good relative to the first price stated.
10. Don't say the word "dollars"
For example: $1,286. One thousand, two hundred eighty-six dollars
sounds like a lot of money. Twelve eighty-six does not sound that
Actions Or Body Language
1. Touch the client between the wrist and elbow occasionally
This eliminates barriers and creates a bond of trust. Remember,
people buy from people they trust.
2. Use anchors to successfully close the sale
An anchor is a noise, gesture or touch that is given with a positive or
flattering statement to the prospect. The anchor is repeated later in
the presentation to associate these positive feelings with closing the
3. Nod your head "yes"
As you're talking or listening, nod your head whenever anything
positive is being said. This causes a feeling of positiveness to be
associated with what you are selling. Also, as you nod your head,
you will notice that the person you are talking to starts to move their
head yes, too. The nodding of their head sends a subliminal message
of agreement to their mind, which makes it easier for you to close the
4. Mirror the client:
People trust people like themselves.
Mimic the body language of the client.
When you and the client are in synch, switch over and see if
the client mimics you and your enthusiasm.
5. Smile naturally
It is proven that a smile fosters a positive reaction in a client. A client
gets a good feeling from a smile and associates it with you and your
product or service. People want to buy when they feel good.
6. Use facial expressions
Most charismatic people have rubbery faces. So, show emotions on
your face to connect with the client's emotions.
7. Walk briskly and with confidence
This implies you know what you are doing and that you can be
trusted. If you appear weak instead of confident, people will be
afraid to take your advice.
8. Have a firm handshake
People don't respect wimps. They don't trust or buy form people
they don't respect.
9. Don't wait to be seated -- take a seat
When two people meet, one person takes the dominant position and
the other person takes the submissive. Here, dominant position
doesn't refer to the aggressive position but rather the expert one.
10. Use open body language
Get excited when the client is interested. Relax if he starts to feel
11. Have good eye contact
People only trust people with good eye contact.
Techniques That Put You In Control
Give the client post-hypnotic suggestions such as:
When you review this material after I leave, if any additional
questions arise, I want you to pick up the phone and call me.
You will love the added security this insurance policy has built
into it.
After you have been on the radio for a few months, you will
notice that more people are responding to your newspaper
Think how excited you will be when you are driving your new
2. Use "yes-yes" nail downs
It is important to get the client to say "yes" over and over because
this sets up a condition of agreement that makes it easier to close the
sale later.
"Do you want more profit?" -- "Yes."
"Do you need more money?" -- "Yes."
"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" -- "Yes."
3. Find out their style of buying and adapt your presentation
"How did you decide which house to buy when you bought last
When the client answers this question, he is telling you how to sell
him (with facts, emotion, ego, etc.).
4. Show empathy by repeating the client's statements, even if
you disagree
Client: Your product doesn't work.
Salesperson: You feel my product doesn't work.
5. Move into the future and show a need
"As your family grows, you'll need the extra space this house has to
6. Use "just suppose" to get around objections
Client: I'm not ready to buy.
Salesperson: Just suppose you were, what changed your mind?
Now the client has just told you how to sell him.
7. Take control by asking strong questions such as:
"What would it take to get you to buy today?" Or, "What is the main
concern you have left?" "Is there something you haven't told me?"
8. Make it fun
People hate to be sold, although they love to buy, and they buy from
people they like. Don't bore them. Talk to them as you would talk to
a friend at a party. This makes them want to see you and buy from
9. Memorize answers to recurring objections
Top salespeople know what to say to 99% of all objections. Since
clients have learned ways to put you off, it makes sense that you
learn ways to counter their efforts. In order to stay in control, you
have to be able to effortlessly get around whatever stumbling block
the client brings up and continue selling until they buy.
10. Repeat the client's hot button several times
A famous saying in advertising is, "Nothing sells like repetition."
When a message is repeated over and over, it embeds itself in the
client's mind. We must hear something over and over before we act
on it. When you give a benefit that the client responds positively to,
repeat it often throughout your presentation. Each time you repeat it,
the client becomes more and more receptive to buying, so that when
you close, buying has become the right thing to do.
11. Use an assumptive attitude
Speak as if the client has already bought.
"When you buy this big screen television...." instead of, "If you buy
this big screen television...."
These hypnotic techniques can be learned by anyone. Practice them
until they are a natural part of your presentation and become
undetectable by the client. Hypnotic selling will close more sales and
make you more money with less work
"These hypnotic techniques can be learned by anyone. Practice them
until they are a natural part of your presentation and become
undetectable by the client. Hypnotic selling will close more sales and
make you more money with less work"
nice moral, eh and nice ethic!
These criminals!
You may be interested to know that the enemy of humanity that has written these
awful words is Pam Lontos, which works for (note the name) "Sales & Motivation Inc.,
in Florida... should you want to contact her, her address is PamLonto1@aol.com
Some time afterwards I received the following consideration from Arik...
"I think not. I think people who expose these things, in books, on the web etc. do us all a great service.
I think he's probably right, and I was probably wrong... the matter is open for discussion :-)
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